
Strawberry Fields

Greg's U-Pick Strawberry Fields


 At Greg’s we love strawberries! We kick off our picking season with these berries in our strawberry fields and have a rich legacy of families visiting the farm to kick off the summer, celebrate the end of the school year, and make their annual jam with us! We pick into and sell u-pick strawberries in quart containers, please plan to bring your own or purchase some on the farm!

When visiting Greg’s Strawberry Fields, we remind our customers to be quick about it! The season only lasts about three weeks so be sure to pick early and often! There is nothing like a local berry! When picking, remember that strawberries do not get sweeter after harvesting, as a result, large brilliantly red commercial berries are often flavorless. While supermarket berries are adequate during the winter, one should not settle for them during summer months.

When Picking


Call the Farm of Check the Facebook page to check for picking updates.

Arrive at the farm and park in designated “Picker Parking” area.

Bring your own containers or make plans to purchase quarts or buckets on the farm.

Check in at the U-Pick Wagon.

Purchase your “Pickin Pass” on the farm for just $5 per person. 

Pick and Enjoy the Strawberry Fields
Purchase your berries and make plans to use and enjoy! All purchases are cash or check and will be made at the u-pick wagon.

Our 2025 Strawberry U-Pick Pricing

Purchase your “Pickin Pass” ($5.00) to enter the fields.

$5.00 / Pound

Picking Buckets: $3.00 Each

All u-pick strawberry purchases are made at the u-pick wagon!

You purchase what you pick.

Cash or check payments accepted, ATM located in The Farm Store & Bakery.

Pricing and information on the farm, subject to change! 


Our 2025 Pre-Picked Strawberries

Available in The Farm Store & Bakery daily 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.


Visit us on the farm!  

(Quantity Pricing Based on Availability, Subject to Change) 

Strawberry Nutritional Value

1 cup of fresh strawberries contains:
50 calories
1 gram of protein
13 grams of carbohydrates
0 grams of fat
3 grams of fiber
0 milligrams of sodium

One cup of strawberries contains more Vitamin C than an orange!

Not Interested In Picking?

Visit the Farm Store & Bakery for already picked quarts, flats, strawberry desserts, and more!

Cash or Check Payments Accepted, ATM on Site, No Pets Please!